Monday, April 18, 2005

God I'm Pretty!!!

Who wouldn't fuck me?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every day!!!!

12:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

those are some super hot fuck me shoes!
who did you make them out of?

4:20 PM  
Blogger Marie said...

You're prettier than two Ann Coulters and an Adrianna Huffington, combined.

4:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hell yes I would.....

7:02 PM  
Anonymous ~baby said...

nice "post-modern" chair....makes you have that..."I'm waiting in a dingy airport for Mr/Mrs It"
You need to eat a ham sandwich for god's sake tho....I worry about you.

10:11 AM  
Anonymous Sleepy said...

Wow, you got some gorgeous legs!

4:01 AM  
Anonymous Sarah said...

Have you lost weight?

10:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no im a fat fuck

1:25 PM  
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9:21 PM  
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7:17 AM  
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6:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For those of you out there who don't already know, Cave is porting their gothic arcade shooter DeathSmiles to the Xbox 360 in Japan. The game represents only the second horizontal shooter from Cave and is unlike anything else they've developed before. wow goldThe spooky theme of the game, not to mention the manic game play, gives the game a very unique look and feel to it. Considering the arcade PCB still retails for in excess of $2500, it's a safe bet that shooter fans are quite happy that Cave is bringing the game over to the Xbox 360 console. wow goldThe game is set for release in Japan sometime during Spring 2009. It's nice to see Cave still taking the time and spending the money to bring their amazing shooters to the home consoles. Let's hope this streak continues. I'll have impressions of the game as soon as it's released in Japan

3:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still remember the hell I caught when I posted a blog entry stating that Star Ocean: First Departure was coming to the US. I can't count the number of emails I got telling me that there was no way this game would be coming to the US since the Super Famicom original never made it stateside. world of warcraft goldbuy wow goldcheap wow goldwow power levelingwow powerlevelingeverquest 2 goldeq2 platfinal fantasy 11 cheap gilbuy ffxi gilffxi gilfinal fantasy xi gilmaple story mesosmaplestory mesosmaplestory mesolotro goldlotr goldlord of the ring goldWell now that the game has been released here in the US, I'd like to thank all of those who tried to save me from utter embarrassment. What would I do without you guys? Okay now that I got that out of my system, it's time to talk about the actual game. runescape goldrunescape moneysilkroad goldbuy silkroad golddofus kamaskamas dofuswarhammer goldbuy warhammer goldflyff penyabuy flyff goldflyff moneyeve iskeve online iskarchlord goldbuy archlord goldstar wars galaxiesswg creditsI recently played all the way through the original Super Famicom version of Star Ocean so I'd be good and ready to play this updated version. The first thing that blew me away was the 3-D presentation of the game. It took a little getting used to, but so far it's proving to be quite the impressive visual tour de force. The music in the game isn't too shabby either and really does a great job of carrying the original mood of the music with a much more orchestrated and full-sounding presentation. Cheap warhammer goldrunescape itemsworld of warcraft goldwow power levelcheap wow goldwow power levelingwow powerlevelingbuy wow goldcheap ffxi gilffxi gilfinal fantasy gilMaple Story Mesosmaple story accountmaplestory MesosLOTRO GoldI'm only about 8 hours into the game so far, but it's remained quite close to the fan translated effort, although there are some minor plot changes here and there as well as a few name changes. It's safe to say that whether you enjoyed the original title or not,lord of the rings goldLOTR Golddofus kamaskamas dofusrunescape moneyrunescape powerlevelingrunescape goldArchLord goldarchlord powerlevelingarchlord itemsflyff penyaflyff cheapflyff moneyWarhammer goldbuy warhammer goldEverQuest 2 goldeq2 plat you should really pick this amazing rpg up. It's easily one of the best PSP rpgs to date and a very authentic version of the original. I can't wait to get back into the game later this week when I travel out of town. I'll post a full review of the game when I've had a chance to finish it off.

3:27 PM  
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5:41 PM  

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