Hi Pamie
Well, I just went crazy and sent a bunch of books to the Lincoln Acres Branch Library. I don't know what happened - I started at their wishlist and it spiraled out from there. I kept thinking of one more book I had to send. Anyway here's the list of what I sent:
Mummies, Pyramids, and Pharaohs : A Book About Ancient Egypt Gail Gibbons; (This was on their wishlist).
The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference Malcolm Gladwell; (Seemed appropriate -plus it's so interesting!).
Trixie Belden #1: The Secret of the Mansion (Trixie Belden, 1) Julie Campbell; (Childhood favorite of mine).
His Dark Materials Trilogy: The Golden Compass / The Subtle Knife / The Amber Spyglass [BOX SET] Philip Pullman; (Blew me away).
1001 Most Useful English Words for Spanish-Speaking People (Beginners' Guides) Seymour Resnick; (Good reviews, sounded useful and fun).
Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Treasure Hunt (Encyclopedia Brown (Paperback)) Donald J. Sobol; (Childhood favorite of mine).
Heroes, Gods and Monsters of Greek Myths Bernard Evslin; (Who doesn't love the Greek myths?).
Beauty Sheri S. Tepper; (Great spin on the classic fairy tale - good for yound adult and adult readers).
The Partly Cloudy Patriot Sarah Vowell; (So funny, so smart).
Oh, Yuck: The Encyclopedia of Everything Nasty Joy Masoff; (All kids love this stuff and it's a great way to learn).
Jokelopedia Ilana Weitzman; (I was a total jokebook addict as a kid).
The Crafty Diva's D. I. Y. Stylebook: A Grrrl's Guide to Cool Creations You Can Make, Show Off, and Share Kathy Cano Murillo; (Crafting makes me happy!).
Paper Bag Princess (Munsch for Kids) Robert Munsch; (sweet, funny story with great message)
Man, that was so fun! I wish I could do it every day!
Thanks Pamie - for all your hard work and humor. I hope you are feeling better soon! Stupid staph obviously doesn't know who it's messing with!
Allie G
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June 23, 2009 1:53 AM
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