Friday, July 23, 2004


Not only do I have a nice new job that allowed me to donate a book this year ("A Fish Out of Water" to Rancho San Diego Library - I already e-mailed you about this one), but two days ago I was reviewed by my supervisors and received a very nice raise!  And when I came home to celebrate with my boyfriend, I found a thank-you card from the librarian in the mail telling me how happy they all were to have the book back in their collection.  This put me in such a great mood, that I donated 3 more books, this time to the Lemon Grove Branch (gotta spread the love!)

Leonardo Da Vinci for Kids: His Life and Ideas
Get the Interview Every Time : Fortune 500 Hiring Professionals' Tips for Writing Winning Resumes and Cover Letters
Buzzed: The Straight Facts About the Most Used and Abused Drugs from Alcohol to Ecstasy

Who knew spending money on strangers in a state I've never even been to could be so much fun?  Thank you!!
