Hello, Pam. I hope you and your wonderful readers are well.
We continue to be thrilled with the effects of the books drive. Today the Poway Library had a story time and children's craft hour using only books we had received from the "pamie.com family". It was a great program and a great turnout.
I wonder if I could bring the following branches to your attention. They have just managed to get their wish lists and profiles up.
Thanks for all your outstanding service to readers and libraries everywhere.
Betty Waznis
San Diego County Library
Casa de Oro Branch Library serves a diverse community in the shadow of Mt. Helix in eastern San Diego County. The library is a small neighborhood branch that has served the youth and adults of the community for more than 40 years.
Lincoln Acres Branch Library is unlike any other library you have seen before. Originally an old military barrack, Lincoln Acres first opened to the community on June 18, 1947. Only 800 square feet, this tiny and cozy library is the second smallest in the county. The Lincoln Acres Library has stood the test of time as in the late 90's the county's relocation project almost closed the library, but residents fought hard and successfully petitioned to keep it open. In the last 2 years, budget cutbacks have restricted the book budget. In spite of the economic hardships, the library staff has strived to provide adequate resources to its large Spanish speaking community living in an economically disadvantaged area.
Potrero Branch Library has existed since 1915 and recently moved into a new facility in this rural community. Located just miles from the Mexican border, the branch serves a 26 mile area with many bilingual residents. This branch has a small budget but many community needs.
San Marcos Branch Library. San Marcos is home to over 16,000 children and teens under 18 years old. We try to reach each and every one of these young people with books, videos, CDs and recorded books to help meet their homework and leisure reading needs. With your help, we can include items in our collection that we couldn't afford otherwise. Thanks for helping to create a community of successful readers!
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June 23, 2009 1:57 AM
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