Hey there Pamie!
I'm a longtime reader and occasional poster of your blog. As of a few minutes ago, I donated the Magic Tree House Collection: Books 1-8 to the Casa De Oro Branch.
I was having a bad and rather hectic day, and I can't even begin to express to you what donating has done for my mood. It's such an uplifting feeling, knowing that I am contributing to the reading enrichment of so many children. My local library here in the Philly suburbs instilled a love for reading in me at a very early age. That love has continued with me to this day, and I believe that it has made me a better person. If my donation helps turn even one child onto reading, I will jump for joy. May bucketloads of karma rain down on you for many years to come!!
West Chester, PA
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June 23, 2009 1:55 AM
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