Hi Pam
I just made a donation of three books to the Del Mar Library:
Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim, by David Sedaris — because, well, it’s DAVID SEDARIS. He’s the bomb, as you know.
The Wide-Mouthed Frog: A Pop-Up Book — because dammit kids need books too! When I was a kid my library card was my ticket to another world, my time-travel card, my “Get Out Of a Mundane Day” free card simply by offering me the opportunity to vanish into another time and place. I wanted to purchase them some of my personal favorite children’s books, but I figured it was probably nicer to get them something from their wish list, since it means they don’t have it yet.
I chose the Del Mar library because my family and I spend several “mini” vacations a year in that lovely town (three of us have timeshare weeks there) — we’ve been going down there (from our home in Orange County) two or three times a year for 13 years or more, and the library is the quaintest, most charming little craftsman building you’ve ever seen, and, really, shouldn’t ALL libraries be so splendid? It is my dream town — the one I’d move to tomorrow if I won the lottery. I know you hear this every day from hundreds of people, but I hope it never gets old: Thank you for doing this. Your generosity of spirit and kindness are an inspiration on a daily basis.
P.S. I wrote you once before, when I had just started my own web page (the first one was about you, remember) — at the time I only had two entries in it, and now I’ve got... Well, lots! So thanks again for the inspiration. http://www.honest-planet.com
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June 23, 2009 1:55 AM
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