Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Book Drive Tally

I'm happy to report that in five days we've made 184 donations.

You guys are awesome. Last year at five days we were only hovering around the hundred mark. At this rate we stand to make an impressive contribution to San Diego's shelves.

Still waiting to turn in your donation? Why? The librarians love you and so do I.

Hi, Pamie -- I saw the info on the new Campo library listing, and I just had to donate some more...

I donated:

Veterinary Guide for Animal Owners : Cattle, Goats, Sheep, Horses, Pigs, Poultry, Rabbits, Dogs, Cats

- I used to (ok, I still do) love reading these kinds of books

And, since one cannot be studious all of the time - some fun and engrossing fiction!

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Book 2)

-- I love this series. I hope this helps get someone else hopelessly
addicted, too.

- JeniMull


I donated Pruning Made Easy and Storey's Guide to Training Horses to the Campo Morena library. I have friends and family in San Diego and am there frequently for business. This is a fabulous way to give back to the community.


Hiya Pamie!

Just a note to let you know that I ordered a copy of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone for the Campo branch today. It makes me smile to think that maybe it might bring another bunch of readers the same joy that it brought me.

Keep up the great work.


Yay! Year two! Well, I had to help out with the "underdog" branch (though, really, aren't they all? stupid cutbacks!), and then the librarian described them as "littlest" and I squealed because it made me think of a little fuzzy puppy or some such craziness. Then, THEN, I saw a book on their wishlist called the Dog Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook, which naturally has Labrador Retriever on the cover, which naturally made me squeal again because that's the kind of dog I have. If by "I have," I mean "that stayed with my mother when I moved to Atlanta because she needs the yard to run in and blah blah I miss her a lot."

So, really, it all worked out. I know it was mentioned they need a lot of books on farming and gardening and, say, raising farm animals, but what of the dogs, pamie? WHAT OF THE DOGS?

Cheers, and thanks for giving us a way to help out again this year.



I thought I'd resist this year, since we've got a new baby and are hoping to buy a house in about a year, but something about the Campo Branch's need for books about raising animals got to me. In honor of my husband, who is nearly obsessive about our need to raise goats, they're getting

Storey's Guide to Raising Dairy Goats: Breeds, Care, Dairying, Jerome D. Belanger

and in honor of my aunt who breeds horses they're getting

Storey's Guide to Raising Horses: Breeding/Care/Facilities, Heather Smith Thomas;Paperback

Thanks for everything!


The Cat in the Hat
The Outsiders (Now in Speak!)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory



I donated two books:

Platero y yo by Juan Ramon Jimenez


LA Biblia Para Ninos by Usborne books

I also blogged about it at

Best of luck this year!



Thanks so much for doing this again this summer. I'm a teacher who encourages my students to read and go to the library. I love to read, and as a child and my mom took me to the library on a weekly basis. I can't imagine not having that option! I've donated the Schoolhouse Rock 30th Anniversary Edition DVD to the Poway Children's Library. I love Schoolhouse Rock now as much as I did as a kid, and I share them with my students every year. I'm honored to be able to pass that on to this library.

Thanks again, Pamie!

PS -- I added an entry with a pointer to your site on my journal. Hope it helps!

Hi Pamie,

I just purchased Lost Realms: Book IV for the Borrego Springs branch from their Amazon wishlist.


Thank you from the Lemon Grove Branch, San Diego County Library

We are overwhelmed. It's truly amazing. We have kids looking for the Lemony Snicket series every day and when one happens to be in, it's often in poor shape. Can't wait to see all those new titles on our shelves.

Sonya Heiserman, Branch Librarian
Janet Gastil, Children's Librarian

Hey pamie! Last year I was too poor to donate to the book drive, since I was working desk staff at the time, but now that I'm making decent money, I get to spend it for a good cause! And since I currently have about 15 books out of the library, and usually had even more than that when I was growing up, I feel it's only right to support them as much as I can. Anyway, I just sent the vista branch 3 books -

The Essential Shakespeare Handbook
Exercises for Arthritis: 100 Exercises for Healthy Living
The Elements of Mystery Fiction: Writing the Modern Whodunit

Thanks for providing the impetus for this! It does feel nice to be an acknowledged cool kid.


Hi Pamie!

I started reading your web site right after last year's book drive, so I was very excited to see that another one had come around for me to donate to. My husband and I are both big book nerds so helping other people get their read on seems important.

We donated to the Lemon Grove branch their three highest priority items, which happened to be...

Sons of Camelot: The Fate of an American Dynasty by Laurence Leamer;

In Black and White: The Life of Sammy Davis, Jr. by Wil Haygood;

and the first book I remember reading ever, Go, Dog, Go by Philip D. Eastman.

I'm sort of amazed that that dog is still going.

Thanks for everything you do!

Holli & Tyler Powell

Hi Pamie,

The Del Mar Library will be getting one copy of "Sink Reflections" by Marla Cilley aka the "Flylady" aka the woman who got me making my bed everyday!


Hi Pam,

I'm getting into the spirit of things. I sent Alpine Branch:

Murder at a Vineyard Mansion (Martha's Vineyard Mysteries)
Three Centuries of American Poetry: 1620-1923
Storey's Guide to Raising Poultry: Breeds, Care, Health (God knows the Storey's go over well.)

I know Alpine really needs the help right now, the budget cuts hit them especially hard.

I also sent Jacumba (another small branch in need)

The South Beach Diet: The Delicious, Doctor-Designed, Foolproof Plan for Fast and Healthy Weight Loss
Eragon (Inheritance, Book 1)

It somewhat defeats the purpose of a bookdrive, but I sent Borrego
three DVDs, A Lion in Winter, White Christmas, and Clash of the Titans, because I know how important their DVD collection is to keeping the public coming in the doors.

On a side note, thank you again for doing this. My mother is the Director of Acquisitions who wrote to you. Words cannot express how excited she was when I showed her what was going on. She was doing a little dance around the living room and exclaiming "all right!" every few minutes. The SDCL Amazon Wishlist project was actually inspired by coverage of your bookdrive for Oakland last year. They are so happy to see all the donations coming in.

Anne Waznis

Our Youngest Donor

Dear Pamie,

I donated this book:

Ghostly Encounters : True Stories of America's Haunted Inns and Hotels

to the Lemon Grove Branch Library.

I used my own money, but my mom helped me do it. She is ZOOT and has already donated some books. When she told me, I said I wanted to help to, so I sent a ghost book because I like ghost stories. It sounds like a pretty cool book and I hope they like it.

Your friend,

Dear Pamie,

I sent "The Sneetches and Other Stories" by Dr. Seuss to the Lemon Grove Library. When I saw this I knew I had to get it for them, because my mom used to recite the "Mrs. McCave" to me from memory, in funny voices, which I loved; I also remember that "What was I so scared of?" held a special place in her heart.

So, in honor of my mom, I make this donation.


Hi Pamie!

Just wanted you to know that the Valley Center Branch is getting Sloppy Firsts and Second Helpings, both by Megan McCafferty and The Hole by Guy Burt.

As someone who spent more hours reading than doing anything else as a kid, this is a wonderful thing you have started.


Hi Pam,

I donated last year to the Oakland Book Drive, so I'm happy to join in this year to send San Diego County some book love.

I picked the Santee Branch, as they had not seemed to be mentioned too often yet, and no one should be left out!

I sent two off their wishlist:

1) Walter The Farting Dog (I laughed right out loud at that title! It should have been called Pig the lovable farting Boston Terrier, after another sweet, yet sometimes smelly, pup I know!)
2) The Lady and the Unicorn

I wanted so much to have sent more, but just having moved on Sunday I have many added expenses this month, including overlapping rents, and this is all I can spare now. This is a great thing your doing - I've been a longtime reader from all the way back to the Squishy days, and Pamie, you rock like Bob.

Despite the rather fabulous prize being offered, you don't need to include me in the prize pool as I already own two copies of your lovely book, including one you kindly autographed for me at the Oakland Borders reading!

Keep on keepin' on, good Pam.

Best regards,

After reading some of the other entries in the book drive blog, I was inspired to send 2 more books (and on a more practical level I had a special $5 cashback offer on one of my credit cards I needed to use by the end of the month).
So the Lakeside Branch is getting 2 books on their "must have" list:

1) The Guardianship Book for California: How to Become a Child's Guardian by Lisa Goldoftas because it sounds important
2) Good Grief : A Novel by Lolly Winston because it got a great review in my local paper


ps. It's a real treat to be on the Cool Kids list as it's been a long time since I've been referred to as a kid (I'm 45) and I don't think I've ever been referred to as cool.

Added Library Branch

Hello, Pam. One of our littlest rural branches just got their wishlist up. I hope it is not too late to mention them or add their link. They are pretty poor. It is the Campo Branch.

Once again, thanks so much to you and to everyone. This is one of the most exciting things that has ever happened around here.

Betty Waznis
San Diego County Library

The Campo-Morena Village Branch of the San Diego County Library System is the smallest branch in California. The library is currently 490 sq. ft. and we're waiting for a new library to be built with completion around October 2005. As we are a rural community that services a community of approximately 6,500, we are in need of books featuring farm animal care and gardening/landscaping materials. Thank you for your interests in our community.